Rummy, also known as Caxton Solitaire, is a popular series of card games mostly famous for similar gameplay involving matching cards of a similar rank or pattern and same suit. The objective in any type of rummy is to build chains that consist of pairs, multiples of a specific rank or same rank, of exactly the right suit; or runs, multiples of any rank at all. If you are familiar with solitaire you will understand the similarity between this game and Solitaire. The main differences are that in a solitaire game there is only one deck to deal with, while in a rummy game the players are dealing with multiple decks simultaneously. In addition, unlike in a solitaire game where you are solving a single problem, in rummy it is necessary to solve various sub-game issues, such as matching pairs, ordering of suits, and so on.
In rummy there is always an objective, which is to win for your team, or eliminate all opponents. For the objective in each game there may be different sets of available cards, and different card combinations for the players to use. The first person to achieve a set goal is deemed the winner, and everyone else that ends up on the losing team is considered a loser. At the end of every game, the person with the most cards is deemed to have the highest score, and the player who ends up with the fewest cards at the end is considered the loser. The person with the most cards after the other is the winner.
Since there is no single objective in card games like rummy, each game can be completely different from the others depending on how the game rules are played. Usually, a rummy game follows the general rummy format where players take turns. The cards are racked up and dealt out in front of all players. A newcomer should start by having a basic hand and playing through the game.
The basics of rummy involve dealing seven cards to each player and then picking up those cards and moving them around the table to make new combinations. A player can either make a new combination or make an agreement with another player to share a set of cards. The player who makes a new combination first, takes his turn, and everyone else follows suit. When a player finishes with a group of cards, he reveals them and everyone else that knows what they are taking gets to add their cards to the new group. This continues until someone makes a single combination with all of the cards and wins the game.
One of the most basic rules of rummy involves the concept of melding. Basically, one player is designated as the “mender”. Anyone who want to join the melding group, and starts to take cards are considering the “merchant”.
In Wild Cards, each player starts with only a single hand of cards. Players may each choose one type of card, called a “wild card”. Any player may join in a meld, but each player receives only one wild card per turn. Once all of the wild cards have been used up, each player receives three cards face down, and chooses which card to place in the middle of his or her playing area. Players reveal these cards and take turns dealing them to other players, until a winner is chosen.